Saturday 31 December 2011

New novels!

I've just put two new novels up on Smashwords - as well as a couple of free short stories.

A Grand Tour is based very loosely around the travels of Horace Walpole and Thomas Gray. These two young men met at Eton, and took the Grand Tour together; they were both fascinated by ancient Rome, and - unusually at that time - also by the Middle Ages. They were both literary, both art lovers, and, I think - though there's no proof - both in love.

Half way through their tour, they fell out of love, and didn't speak to each other for years afterwards.

I've rewritten the ending. Hell, I've rewritten pretty much everything. It's been fun.

The other novel, Natural Sympathies, follows the progress of a young-ish couple in the 1670s. Margot has married the rather older John Oldcastle in preference to two younger, rather unlovely suitors - but when he proves unable to consummate the marriage, she applies her scientific mind to finding a remedy. This being the early days of the Royal Society, the days of Newton and Sir Christopher Wren, science should provide a cure - but it doesn't, and it's only when a young scholar from Cambridge comes on the scene that things get moving...

They're all available on my author page at Smashwords.

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